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Patient engagement, digital interaction and loyalty impact the operating margin of health systems. Many Epic organizations use technology to optimize these attributes. But, is technology just a means to the larger ends?

By influencing patient behavior, health systems can obtain transformative value and drive engagement and payments in Epic.

In this webinar, Aly Cunningham and Mike Manna are joined by Brandon Baldock from Epic to look at techniques and technologies that Epic organizations can use to influence patient behaviors and drive optimal financial outcomes. 

Learning objectives:

  • Discuss influences that alter human behavior
  • Identify key engagement points along the patient payment journey in Epic
  • Discover ways to drive value and improve margins

Complete the form to view the webinar. Learn more about InstaMed integration with Epic.


Aly Cunningham

Head of Provider and Payer Business Development at InstaMed, a J.P. Morgan company

Mike Manna

Executive Director, J.P. Morgan Commercial Bank